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The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

Online Readable Version

David Jacks’ Notes and Commentary

A Tabular Comparison

Chapter 1. The Holy Scriptures

Chapter 2. God and the Holy Trinity

Chapter 3. God’s Decree (women’s group)

Chapter 4. Creation

Chapter 5. Divine Providence

Chapter 6. The Fall of Mankind, and Sin and Its Punishment (women’s groupmen’s group)

Chapter 7. God’s Covenant

Chapter 8. Christ the Mediator (women’s groupmen’s group)

Chapter 9. Free Will

Chapter 10. Effectual Calling

Chapter 11. Justification (men’s groupwomen’s group)

Chapter 12. Adoption

Chapter 13. Sanctification

Chapter 14. Saving Faith (women’s group & men’s group)

Chapter 15. Repentance to Life and Salvation

Chapter 16. Good Works (women’s group & article)